One of the most important freedoms we have as Americans has to do with holding elected officials and candidates accountable. That freedom is Freedom of  the Press. When the press uses its protection to suppress the truth, tell half-truths, or outright lie to push an ideological agenda and pretend it’s actually offering unbiased reporting of the news, one of the foundational underpinnings of our nation is put at risk. And that’s what is happening all too frequently today. That’s why it’s so refreshing to be able to hear elected officials at the highest level disclose first-hand what they’re doing.

For those who watch Fox News, you’re probably aware of the Red State Trailblazers Town Hall on the Ingraham Angle with Laura Ingraham. I was invited and even though they didn’t ask for my question got to talk with Laura and Governor DeSantis, and hear from all of them on important subjects without it being totally distorted by the lamestream media. The topics ranged from Protecting Our Female Athletes to Protecting Our Border. The conversation was lively and their responses to Laura’s questions were very encouraging. I hope more Governors follow their lead!

The Town Hall was the night after President Biden’s first speech to the small contingent of members of Congress who were allowed to attend. What a contrast between the two meetings! One message was: “Big government is going to take care of you.” The other message promoted individual freedom and responsibility.

I’ll let you guess the gathering and the matching message. Or you can follow the link (Here’s the link: to the Red State Town Hall to see a segment on voting rights and know for certain which is which.

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